Sunday 29 September 2013

Post- Hair Transplant Questions and Answers

As part of your preparation for the hair transplant procedure, it is only right that you also prepare for the post-operative period. 
In this article, I will be sharing post hair transplant questions and answers that will serve as your guide in getting surgical hair restoration. 

1. How long will the recovery period take for hair transplant surgery? 

Once the procedure is done, the patient will be given a pain medication for any discomfort he feels once the anesthesia has worn off. In the following days small incisions will already form scabs and fall out. The usual healing period can take a total of 10-14 days. It is also within this time period when patients are instructed to come back for suture removal. Hair will start to 10-14 weeks after the procedure usually with a growth rate of half an inch for every month.

2. When can I take a shower after hair transplant surgery?

This actually varies to some extent for each surgeon. Usually they would not suggest washing the hair for seven days. Gentle shampoo is okay to use four days after the surgery.

3. Are there any dietary restrictions after surgery? 

It is always a strict rule to avoid alcohol a week after hair transplant surgery. This will only put you at risk of poor wound healing. Aside from this, patients are allowed to do what they want. 

4. How do I take care of the surgical site?

The surgical site needs to be properly cleansed and dried according to how the surgeon instructs. Each surgeon have their own post-surgical care protocols, and it is important that patients adhere to these instructions strictly so prompt healing occurs.

5. When will my hairs grow back? 

Transplanted hairs will grow back within a year’s time. For some, they may even get their first hair cut in just ten months. 

6. Will I still continue hair loss medications after hair transplant?

If you have been using hair loss medications prior to surgery, the doctor would still advise you to continue this so that other hairs that are at risk of shedding will be spared. 

7. Should I be worried of "shock loss"?

Shock loss is an expected occurrence after hair transplant surgery, but it is not something that a patient should be worried about. This is only the hair’s normal process of changing itself to something that is stronger and permanent.  Shock loss happens within 2 weeks after the procedure. 

8. Will I need multiple sessions?

Some patients may need multiple sessions to achieve the right density. A surgeon may not fill in an entire area in one session based on assessment because in some cases the behaviour of hair growth and hair texture may only require not that many hairs or it might also need reinforcement. Surgeons usually schedule second sessions once the hairs have fully grown to assess if further work is still needed. 

9. Will my hair transplant results look natural? 

Yes. Thanks to the improvement in technology and techniques, hair transplant results can be made to look natural. This is made possible through the close attention to the angulation, direction, distribution and hairline during hair transplant surgery.

For any other questions, please make an enquiry by visiting our official hair transplant website. Esteem Cosmetic Studio offers payment plan for those who are qualified to avail patient financing.