Thursday 6 February 2014

Hair Loss FAQs

Did you just lose clumps of hair with one brush of your comb? If you are scrambling to find answers why and how to treat it, here are some explanations to the common concerns raised by those who are exactly in your place.

When is hair loss no longer normal?

Normally, you would lose around 50-100 hair strands a day. This may not happen all at once and takes place without you noticing it. However, when your hair falls off in clumps, or if you notice more hair down the drain or on your comb resulting to thinning or balding areas, then you are suffering from hair loss.

What are the causes of hair loss?

Hair loss is caused by a range of factors. This includes genetics, aging, stress, medications, hormonal imbalance, malnutrition, and psychological conditions. It is important to determine the causes so that proper treatment can be provided.

What are the different types of hair loss?

Hair loss, or medically called as alopecia, comes in different types. These are:

1. Alopecia areata

This is often preceded by a patchy hair loss that affects children and adults. The hair can return in a few months or years for 90% of affected individuals.

2, Alopecia universalis

This is the type of hair loss that causes all of the body hair to fall out. This can leave a person without any scalp hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, body hair, and pubic hair.

3. Androgenetic alopecia

This is a genetic condition that is more popularly known as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. It is named as such because the hair fall follows a certain pattern. It is caused by a hormone called DHT or dihydrotestosterone, which causes the hair follicles to shrink, fall and thin out.

4. Telogen Effluvium

This condition results to the temporary thinning of the hair on the scalp due to changes in the hair growth cycle. There is a large number of hair that go into resting phase, which results in excessive hair shedding and thinning.

5. Involutional alopecia

This is the type of hair loss that is related to aging. This is actually a natural process where the hair thins out gradually as the follicles go into resting phase. The hair that remains become thinner and much fewer.

6. Trichotillomania

This is a psychological disorder, most common in children, where the person pulls out his or her own hair.

Who are predisposed to hair loss?

Hair loss generally affects those individuals who are genetically predisposed, stressed out, undergoing chemotherapy, taking certain medications in which side effects include hair loss, and those who use harsh treatments on their hair.

What are the treatments for hair loss?

Hair loss treatment can be done with the use of natural remedies, medications, laser, hormone replacement therapy and hair transplant surgery.

What medications are reliable for hair loss?

Rogaine and Propecia are two brands that are used for male hair loss. Rogaine is topically applied to the scalp to reverse the shrinking process and stimulate new hair growth. Propecia, on the other hand, is an oral medication that is now used to treat male pattern baldness. But, this drug is not advised on women who are of childbrearing age because it can cause birth defects. It is also not effective for older women. In the case of female hair loss, Minoxidil is the drug of choice.

Are hair loss shampoos effective?

There have been debates about hair loss shampoo and whether it can really treat hair loss. Many argue that it is no more than just a marketing tactic. These supposed hair loss shampoos may create a healthier scalp that will be conducive for hair growth but it does not cure hair loss. It may also create more volume to the remaining hair giving a fuller appearance.

What is the most effective treatment for hair loss?

Hair transplant surgery is deemed to be the most reliable permanent treatment for hair loss. Many are intimidated by its price since it doesn't come cheap, but it can provide the coverage needed to restore a full head of hair. The results are long lasting and it can create natural-looking results.

Can I immediately seek surgical treatment once I notice hair loss?

No, it is not advisable to immediately resort to aggressive measures. In fact, doctors would even suggest that you try out medications first to see if it can solve the problem.

Hair transplant surgery should be a last option if all other possible measures are not effective.

The surgeon would also have to see if you hair loss have reached its full extent. Otherwise, having the procedure done too early may not create the desired results because hair loss may still continue. This means that you may need another surgery to address the balding that occurred after the first procedure.

What is involved in hair transplant surgery?

In this procedure, the surgeon removes a strip of the scalp taken at the back of the head, which is also considered a donor area. This strip contains donor hair grafts that will be prepared by hair technicians as the surgeon prepares the recipient site. The hair follicles are individually implanted into the balded areas making sure that they are distributed properly and angled in a natural manner.

The surgery is performed under local anesthesia and it can take 4-6 hours to finish. The surgeon can transplant as many as 2,000 grafts in one session. Some patients may need more than one session, because the surgeon will then have to see the results of the first procedure before deciding whether he needs to go further or not. The full results can be appreciated within a year.

Why is there hair loss that occurs after hair transplant surgery?

This type of hair loss is not caused by any condition. This called a shock loss and is simply a reaction of the transplanted hair to give way to new and healthy ones. It usually occurs around 2-3 weeks after surgery. There is no need to fret when this happens because hair will start to reappear in a few weeks time as well.

Is laser treatment reliable for hair loss?

Yes, this is actually a new alternative in hair loss treatment, and it is one that is earning good reviews both from doctors and patients who have tried it. Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is FDA approved for the treatment of male pattern baldness. It earned a lot of attention because it provides hair loss victims a non-invasive treatment that is safe and free of side effects.

Experts explain that the reason why it works is because of the action of the laser light. It is not harmful to the scalp but it is enough to promote cell repair, improve cell function, and increase blood flow to the area. This can result to hair that looks healthier, thicker and fuller.

Who are the right patients for laser treatment for hair loss?

This treatment works best for those who are experiencing only some degree of thinning and may not be advised to those who are sufering from male pattern baldness.

How does laser treatment fair with hair transplant surgery?

Hair transplant surgery still remains to be a preferable solution especially when a person has become totally bald in certain areas of the scalp. LLLT will only create a fuller appearance, but it cannot stimulate new hair to sprout from a barren area of the scalp. But both can be used together to create better results. Healing time for hair transplant surgery can be hastened with LLLT because the latter stimulates better circulation to the treated area.