Monday 9 June 2014

10 Tips for Hair Loss Prevention and Stop Hair Fall

Hair loss is a phenomenon that follows us even on a daily basis. But, you have to know how to control this from going overboard or you'd end up nursing a very bad hair loss situation. Remember, we already lose 50-100 hair strands every day, so you don't want something that can increase that number right? 

To help you out, here are some interesting tips about hair loss that just might save you a lot of stress in the future.

1. Make sure to clean your comb every week.

A lot of us may be guilty of forgetting to clean our combs. We see that it appears clean so we just go on using it without thinking if it's still really clean to use in the first place. Combs and hairbrushes can easily get dirty, especially if you inspect this closely. And this is even worse in men who tend to use gels or hair waxes on a daily basis. With all that gunk, plus dirt or dust eventually accumulating, you'd end up with a rather dirty comb.

Using a dirty comb for so long can also contribute to increased incidence of hair fall. Combs should be washed in warm soapy water so that the grease, hair products, styling products, chemicals, dirt and dust can be removed effectively.

2. Eat healthy

Nutritional deficiency is one of the common causes of hair loss. This is logical given that what we eat nourishes our body, so make sure that you are getting some hair healthy nutrients. Load up on fish because this contains proteins and minerals that are an excellent source of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Nuts are also important because they contain biotin and vitamin E, which protects the cells from DNA damage.  It is also important to keep your iron levels in check because deficiencies can also lead to hair loss.

Sometimes, it’s not what you put on your hair that does the difference but also what you take inside your body too. It is important to support the cells and processes that can give you a strong and healthy head of hair

3. Carefully choose your shampoo

There is a good chance that you could also be harming your hair with the shampoo you are using. Sometimes shampoos are formulated with rather harsh chemicals that can be very bad for the hair and, sometimes, even your health in general. You can start with choosing a product that is sulfate, silicone and paraben-free to protect the hair from being beaten with chemical-laden products. Remember, you are going to wash your hair on a regular basis, so make sure that whatever touches it is safe and gentle.

4. Be careful in stopping any medications prescribed by your doctor

There are medications that can cause hair loss, but you should not stop it right away if you suspect that this is the culprit for your dilemma. Stopping it without consulting your doctor first may end up with more serious side effects that will aggravate your hair loss. With proper medical advice, you can be prescribed with another medication.

5. Washing your hair can also be a bad thing

Now you have to know that anything done in excess can always lead to unwanted results. So even if washing your hair is inherently good for your locks, but going overboard with it may end up with you losing more hair. Over washing your hair can strip it off of its natural oils that end up making the hair highly vulnerable to damage and hair fall.

6. Rough towel drying

Did you know that even the way you dry your hair can have a very huge impact on whether it stays on your head or not? We often like to vigorously rub a towel off wet hair, but you may be unaware of the damage you are already causing. Wet hair is highly sensitive, and when you towel dry it too roughly, there is a good chance that you could end up breaking your hair or causing more to fall off. So if you want to minimize hair loss as much as possible, be sure to be gentle to your hair when drying it. Instead of rubbing a towel against it, gently squeeze off excess water with a towel instead.

7. Invest on a good pillowcase

You might think this is too far fetched, but pillowcases can actually contribute to hair loss. Instead of the usual fabric, opt for silk pillowcases. You see, lying on your pillow while sleeping can also cause friction to your hair as you move around. Meanwhile, silk is made up of strings of amino acids that have the same pH as our skin. It also protects the hair from split ends and freezing, the precursors to damaged hair. Cotton pillowcases can also strip your hair from its natural moisture leading it become dry and brittle. If you can't find silk pillowcases, satin can be a good alternative.

8. Putting on too much conditioner

A conditioner is a good addition to every hair care routine. It keeps the hair soft, smooth and shiny, as it properly moisturizes each strand. However, the problem comes in when you don't use it properly. Some people tend to apply the conditioner all over their head, when in fact; you should only be concentrating it on the edges of your hair. Oil tends to build up near the roots, and if you apply the conditioner in this area, you are going to end up with a film of conditioner there. This can lead to build up and can be unhealthy for your scalp and hair in the long run.

9. Not getting regular trims of hair cuts

Are you fond of growing your hair long? If so, then there is a good chance that you increase your risk for hair loss. If you avoid any cuts or trims whatsoever, this can lead to bad split ends, which is unhealthy for your hair. The tips are prone to damage and cutting off the damaged section helps restore a healthy strand.

10. Get over your stress

Stress is something we encounter everyday, which is why we may fall unaware that it is already eating up our lives. When we subject ourselves to too much stress more than what our body can handle, sometimes the hair does give in. Be sure to get a hold of your stress because, if you are prone to it, you could end up suffering from stress alopecia. 

Hair Loss Treatments for male pattern baldness in Singapore, call us on +65 6235 0010 for a confidential consultation. 

Dr Tyng Tan Aesthetics and Hair Clinic
#08-04 Ngee Ann City Tower B 391B Orchard Road,
Singapore 238874